Replacement of a new HVAC unit is a rather big process. From the time of the quote to filing for warranty, it can be a process, and maybe even an intimidating one if this is your first time. If it is finally time for a new unit, whether it be an air conditioner, furnace, heat pump, etc., there are a number of things you can expect during the process. Here is the Process of buying a new HVAC unit:


1. Decide It’s Time To Replace

The first step is obviously deciding when it’s time to replace the unit. This is when the unit is unable to be repaired, or when the age of the unit is not worth the cost of a repair. When this happens, it’s time to consider a full replacement.

2. Schedule a Free Estimate

Next, set a time to meet with someone for a free estimate on replacement. Because this is a rather large cost, most heating and air companies, if not all of them, will provide a free quote. This is because we need to evaluate multiple factors such as the existing setup, upflow vs. downflow, the square footage, and the desired outcome of the customer. It can be a quick process, maybe around an hour, but can be longer depending on any questions you may have.

3. Decide What to Buy

The decision regarding what to buy is dependent on multiple things, which is why this can take a while to do. Not only are you deciding what type of system you want, but you are also deciding on a company, a price, efficiency, and possibly how you want to finance it. If this decision takes longer than expected, it is worth noting that most quotes you get from HVAC companies are good for 30 days, so take your time, but keep that in mind!

4. Submit a Down Payment

For most companies, a down payment must be received before anything is bought. A standard down payment of 30% is common, but some companies may request more. Then once the install is done, the remainder is due upon completion, unless it is financed.

5. Schedule the Install

Once a down payment is collected, the HVAC company will begin purchasing all the equipment. Once availability is given, the HVAC company will reach out to the customer to plan a day to install. This could either be next-day, or weeks away.

6. Install

The day of install will usually consist of 2 technicians, a lead and an apprentice. They will start loading up the truck early in the morning and will arrive at the install location around 8 or 9. They will likely spend a minimum of 4-5 hours for one unit to be installed. In some cases, it could be all day, especially with a full system replacement. They will need access inside your home, even if it’s an air conditioner, and will be hooking up linesets, wiring, coils, refrigerant line, gas line, condensate drain, etc. Once done, the technicians will go through testing multiple times to ensure the system is in proper working function.

7. Collect Payment

Unless financing applies, the remainder of the payment is due upon completion of the install.

8. File for Warranty

Finally, it’s time to file for warranty to ensure coverage if something goes wrong. Sometimes the company that you bought from, like Poormans, will do it themselves. We file the warranty ourselves. One, because it’s convenient for the customer, but also because we like to have the warranty information on file, should a repair be needed in the future.

9. Submit for Tax Rebates (Optional)

If you bought a system that is eligible for tax rebates, this applies to you! NIPSCO rewards buyers with rebate money depending on product and efficiency. This can be applied to furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, thermostats, you name it! If you’re already thinking about buying the unit anyways, you may as well look into what kind of money you can get back. Click here to explore the NIPSCO rebate program.